Critical thinking, real life problems and feedback in the sciences classroom


  • Carolina Carvalho Education Institute of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa-Portugal
  • Edite Fiuza University Lusófona of Humanities and Technologie, Lisboa-Portugal
  • Joseph Conboy Education Institute of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa-Portugal
  • Jesuína Fonseca Education Institute of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa-Portugal
  • João SANTOS Santos Education Institute of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa-Portugal
  • Ana Paula Gama Instituto Superior Dom Afonso III, Loulé-Portugal
  • Maria Helena Salema Education Institute of the University of Lisbon, Lisboa-Portugal



Feedback, Teacher Education, Critical Thinking, Real Life Problems


This descriptive and interpretative study was aimed at better understanding how to foment effective feedback in the sciences classroom by implementing an activity based in a real-life problem that was intended to promote critical thinking. Eleven secondary and pre-secondary public school teachers participated in a workshop in the Greater Lisbon area (part of a year-long continuing education project). In one three-hour session, they performed an activity intended to promote critical thinking, based on a real-life problem, and received feedback from a workshop facilitator. Participants responded to two questionnaires concerning the nature of the activity performed and the feedback perceived. Interpretative analysis of responses indicates that the activity performed was perceived as a real-life problem and the feedback was perceived as effective. The outcomes and conclusions contribute to a possible understanding of how such an activity can facilitate effective feedback in the sciences classroom.


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15.06.2015 — Updated on 15.06.2015


How to Cite

Carvalho, C. ., Fiuza, E. ., Conboy, J. ., Fonseca, J. ., Santos, J. S., Gama, A. P. ., & Salema, M. H. . (2015). Critical thinking, real life problems and feedback in the sciences classroom. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 12(2), 21-31.

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