Brain based biology teaching: Effects on cognitive and affective features and opinions of science teacher trainees


  • Eda Demirhan Sakarya University, Faculty of Education, Sakarya-TURKEY
  • İsmail Önder Sakarya University, Faculty of Education, Sakarya-TURKEY
  • Şenol Beşoluk Sakarya University, Faculty of Education, Sakarya-TURKEY



Brain Based Learning, Pre-Service Science Teachers, Achievement, Attitude, Critical Thinking Disposition, Self-Efficacy


This study investigates the effectiveness of a brain based teaching approach on biology achievement, attitude, critical thinking disposition and self efficacy scores of science teacher trainees. Also, science teacher trainees’ opinions about brain based teaching were investigated. A mixed method approach was used in the current research and it was composed of two parts: Part A and Part B. Part A was comprised of a sample of 65 science teacher trainees and Part B was composed of nine science teacher trainees. The results of Part A revealed no significant effect of the teaching method on achievement, attitude, critical thinking disposition and self-efficacy scores. On the other hand, the results of Part B showed brain based teaching to some extent affects cognitive, affective and metacognitive features. This is similar to the results of some other studies. This study also indicated that various factors may affect students’ cognitive and affective features besides the teaching method.


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15.09.2014 — Updated on 15.09.2014


How to Cite

Demirhan, E., Önder, İsmail, & Beşoluk, Şenol. (2014). Brain based biology teaching: Effects on cognitive and affective features and opinions of science teacher trainees. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 11(3), 65-78.

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