Effects of multirepresentation-based creative problem-solving learning model on students’ critical thinking and diet nutritional quality


  • Siti Fathonah
  • Edy Cahyono
  • Retno Iswari
  • Sri Haryani
  • Sarwi Sarwi
  • Noer Lestari
  • Sri Kadarwati Universitas Negeri Semarang




Multirepresentation, creative problem solving, critical thinking skills, balanced nutrition


This research investigated how the multirepresentation-based creative problem-solving (MBCPS) learning model could enhance students’ critical thinking skills in relation to the Nutritional Quality of Diet. The research subjects were 72 students of the Culinary Education study program in Nutrition Science, consisting of an experimental group of 36 students with MBCPS and 36 students forming a control group using conventional problem solving. The MBCPS model consists of four stages, namely problem identification, idea generation, evaluation, and validation. The students’ critical thinking skill was measured using a multiple-choice test of balanced nutrition. The Nutritional Quality of Diet is calculated from the average level of nutritional adequacy. Data analysis involved techniques using N-gain and t test. The achievement of student activities in the four stages of learning before and after the implementation of the MBCPS model experienced an increase from 52% to 68 % (p < 0.00).  There was no difference in the critical thinking skills scores obtained by the experimental and the control groups before implementing the model (p=0.45).  After implementing the CPSBM model, the critical thinking skills scores achieved by the experimental and control groups were 71% and 68%, which was significantly different (p = 0.00). An application of the model resulted for an increase of the critical thinking skills and the nutritional quality of diet got an N-gain of 0.47 and 0.28. The MBCPS model has prospects for development in a wider branch of knowledge in the scope of University Health Education.


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How to Cite

Fathonah, S. ., Cahyono, E., Iswari, R., Haryani, S., Sarwi, S., Lestari, N., & Kadarwati, S. (2024). Effects of multirepresentation-based creative problem-solving learning model on students’ critical thinking and diet nutritional quality. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 20(4), 669-694. https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2023.038

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