Improving Critical Thinking Skills of Low Academic Ability Students through TPS and PBL Integration in Biology Learning
Academic ability, Critical thinking, TPS and PBL ıntegration, Biology learningAbstract
Learning needs to empower the student's critical thinking because critical thinking is the core of learning to construct knowledge. The students who have knowledge from the critical thinking skills could address the contextual living problem. Therefore, the learning must be implemented as a facility for students to develop critical thinking skills for high and low academic skill students. This research aims to know the effect of Think Pair Share (TPS) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) integration to closing critical thinking between higher and lower academic skill students and to know the effect of interaction between learning method and academic ability toward the critical thinking. This research design is quasi-experimental and conducted using a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design conducted in Kota Metro Lampung Indonesia. Data on critical thinking skills were obtained by essay tests done by the students. The substance of the essay test includes the ability to formulate problems, argue, deduce, induce, and evaluate. Data were analyzed by using ANCOVA. The statistical calculations were measured by using SPSS version 25.0 with a significance level of 0.05. Based on the research, the conclusion can be formulated as follows; there was an effect of TPS and PBL integration towards critical thinking. There was no effect of interaction between learning method and academic ability towards critical thinking. TPS and PBL integration were effective in closing the critical thinking gaps between higher and lower academic skill students. In other words, TPS and PBL integration were effective in improving the critical thinking of low academic students in biology learning 24,63%. The researcher suggests that the teachers need to implement TPS and PBL integration in biology learning.
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