Analyzing the relationships between pre-Service chemistry teachers’ science process skills and critical thinking skills
Chemistry laboratory course, critical thinking, pre-service chemistry teachers, science process skillsAbstract
This research investigated the relationships between pre-service chemistry teachers’ science process skills and critical thinking skills. The sample consisted of 146 pre-service chemistry teachers (47 males, 99 females) drawn from an Indonesian public university in the first semester of 2017/2018 academic year. Through a quantitative correlational research design, convenience sampling was employed. To collect data, an Observation Checklist for Science Process Skills (OCSPS) and an Oliver-Hoyo Rubric for Critical Thinking Skills (OHRCT) were used. The results showed that pre-service chemistry teachers’ science process and critical thinking skills were low. Further, it was found that there was a significant difference between mean scores of females’ and males’ science process skills and critical thinking skills in favor of females’ ones (p < .05). Furthermore, it was elicited that there was a significant difference between mean scores of their science process skills and critical thinking skills in terms of grade (p < .05). Lastly, a high positive and linear correlation between their science process skills and critical thinking skills appeared when chemistry laboratory course was taken into consideration (r = .793; p < .05). It can be concluded that an increase in students’ critical thinking skills influences their science process skills. To improve their performances through research-based educational programs, some implications were made.
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