Improvement of Metacognitive and Critical Thinking Skills through Development of a ‘Teaching Factory Based on Troubleshooting’ (TEFA-T) Model in Automotive Vocational Learning


  • Hasan Maksum Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Dori Yuvenda Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Wawan Purwanto Universitas Negeri Padang



Automotive vocational learning, teaching factory based on troubleshooting model, metacognitive skills, critical thinking skills


The purpose of this research was to ascertain whether there had been any improvement in students' metacognitive and critical thinking skills through the development of the ‘Teaching Factory Based on Troubleshooting’ (TEFA-T) model in automotive vocational learning. The research had both quantitative and qualitative components and applied the 4D procedures, viz define, design, develop and disseminate. The subjects for the control and experimental groups were 32 students, and each was each group used an effectiveness test. The results showed that the TEFA-T learning model carried out the novelty value of the model syntax using the following activity steps: (1) identifying product problems, (2) defining the product problems, (3) generating and selecting several alternative solutions, (4) designing solving techniques, (5) ordering work contracts, (6) designing a product work schedule, (7) executing orders, (8) quality control, and (9) assessment. The test results showed that the TEFA-T Learning Model is valid using the Aiken'V formula and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structure Equation Modeling (SEM), with a Chi-Square and x2 /df values of 219.76 and 0.8292, used to determine the model fit test (goodness-of-fit models). Furthermore, the practicality test declared it "Very Practical" with an average score of 4.56 and an Achievement of 90.02%. In conclusion, using the TEFA-T learning model to improve students' academic achievement, metacognitive, and critical thinking skills appeared to be effective (Sig. 2-
tailed value is less than 0.05).


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How to Cite

Maksum, H., Yuvenda, D., & Purwanto, W. (2022). Improvement of Metacognitive and Critical Thinking Skills through Development of a ‘Teaching Factory Based on Troubleshooting’ (TEFA-T) Model in Automotive Vocational Learning. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(3), 1015-1036.

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