Do creative thinking skills in problem-based learning benefit from scaffolding?

Research Article


  • Margaret Dwi Wiwik Ernawati Jambi University
  • Yusnidar
  • Haryanto
  • Endah Febri Setiya Rini
  • Febri Tia Aldila
  • Tri Haryati
  • Rahmat Perdana



Problem based learning, Creative thinking, Scaffolding


Creative thinking skills are recognised as 21st-century skills. This study aimed to determine whether students' creative thinking skills in biochemistry courses are improved through scaffolding-based problem-based learning. The study employed a mixed methods approach with a sample of 113 chemistry education programme students at Jambi University. An observation sheet instrument was used to gauge students' creative thinking skills during learning, test questions were used to gauge them after the implementation of Problem Based-learning, and an interview instrument was used to see how students responded once PBL learning had been implemented. Descriptive statistical testing techniques were applied to data between classes. It was found that there were significant differences in students' creative thinking skills after scaffolding-based PBL learning had been carried out. The biochemistry learning process was found to be conducive to scaffolding in problem-based learning. Providing scaffolding in problem-based learning also has a positive impact on students because this study proves that students become more active learners in education because the problem-solving process requires students to express opinions and exchange ideas.


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How to Cite

Wiwik Ernawati, M. D., Yusnidar, Haryanto, Rini, E. F. S., Aldila, F. T., Haryati, T., & Perdana, R. (2023). Do creative thinking skills in problem-based learning benefit from scaffolding? Research Article. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 20(3), 399-417.

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