Online game-based learning usıng kahoot! to enhance pre-universıty students' active learning: A students' perception in biology classroom
Active Learning, Game-based Learning, Kahoot!, Pre-university Students, BiologyAbstract
It is the teacher’s responsibility in paying serious attention on highlighting the 21st century way of learning in transforming the education system, focusing on equipping students with communication skills, critical thinking, and collaboration skills. This 21st century learning requires suitable teaching aids to achieve the learning objectives. Online game-based learning is considered as one of the new methods, which is capable of raising sudents' engagement and active learning. This study aimed to obtain the pre-university students' perception on the usage of Kahoot! in enhancing their engagement and active learning in the Biology classroom. In addition, this study also aimed to identify the dominant factors that encourage students to engage in learning and facilitating sessions in order to enhance students' active learning. A quantitative research methodology using survey was implemented in this study. A total of 100 students from pre-university colleges at the northern Malaysia were involved as the sample of this study. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 24.0 to obtain descriptive analysis as well as inferential analysis. The findings indicated that the students believed that Kahoot! can attract them to participate in learning sessions and enhance the students' active learning. Students also agreed that the dominant factors that it motivates them to engage in learning and facilitate sessions, as there is a good interaction and communication between partners and teachers. Hence the findings of this study are expected to encourage teachers especially in pre-university level to integrate the usage of online game approaches such as Kahoot! in Biology subjects to enhance the students' engagement and active learning. This is in line with the needs of the current pedagogy that further stimulates the atmosphere of active learning in the classroom leading towards the revolution industry 4.0 and the 21st century learning.
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