Contribution of mind mapping, summarizing, and questioning in the rqa learning model to genetic Learning outcomes


  • Slamet Harıyadı
  • Aloysius Duran Corebıma
  • Siti Zubaıdah



Learning model, mind mapping, questioning, reading-questioning-answering, summarizing


This study aimed to measure the contribution of summarizing and questioning in the Reading-Questioning-Answering (RQA) learning model integrated with mind mapping on the genetic learning outcomes. This study was a correlational research and has been analyzed using multiple regressions. Mind mapping, summarizing, and questioning were positioned as predictors, and genetic learning outcomes were positioned as a criterion. The research sample comprised 33 students. There was a strong correlation (97.4%) between mind mapping, summarizing, and questioning with the learning outcomes. The value of the relative contribution of each predictor (questioning, mind mapping, and summarizing) was 58.74%, 39.76%, and 1.50%, respectively. The value of the effective contribution ofquestioning, mind mapping, and summarizing was 57.21%, 38.73%, and 1.46% respectively. Thus, the contribution of questioning was higher than that of mind mapping and summarizing on the genetic learning outcomes. Future studies need to be conducted in order to confirm these research results.


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15.03.2018 — Updated on 15.03.2018


How to Cite

Harıyadı, S. ., Corebıma, A. D. ., & Zubaıdah, S. . (2018). Contribution of mind mapping, summarizing, and questioning in the rqa learning model to genetic Learning outcomes. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(1), 80-88.

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