Relationship between students’ engagement with academic performance among non-food science students enrolled in food science course


  • Rashidah Sukor
  • Ahmad Fauzi Mohd Ayub
  • Nor Khaizura Mahmud Ab Rashid Ab Rashid
  • Farawahida Abdul Halim



Cognitive engagement, behavioural engagement, emotional engagement, social engagement, food science


This paper aims to determine the influence of students’ engagement on academic performance. A total of 84 non-food science students enrolled in a food science course were chosen to answer the questionnaire. The overall mean of students’ engagement was found to be 3.63 (SD = .24). Respondents were found to be more engaged in social engagement (x̄ = 3.98, SD = .63), followed by emotional engagement (x̄ = 3.96, SD = .52), behavioural engagement (x̄ = 3.46, SD = .44) and cognitive engagement (x̄ = 2.80, SD = .28). Results showed significant positive relationship between overall students’ engagements with academic performance (r = 0.312; p < 0.001). Two components of students’ engagement, i.e., emotional engagement (r = 0.529**; p < 0.001) and cognitive engagement (r = 0.391; p < 0.001), both showed positive relationship to academic performance. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that emotional domain contributed to 38.6% of variation on students’ performance, hence plays a vital role in students’ academic performance.


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How to Cite

Sukor, R. ., Mohd Ayub, A. F. ., Ab Rashid, N. K. M. A. R., & Halim, F. A. . (2021). Relationship between students’ engagement with academic performance among non-food science students enrolled in food science course. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 18(4), 638-648.

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