The effect of STEM project based learning on self-efficacy among high-school physics students
Project-Based learning (PjBL), science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), physics education, problem-solving, performance evaluation, bibliometricsAbstract
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Project-Based Learning (PjBL) is increase effectiveness, create meaningful learning and influence student attitudes in future career pursuit. There are several studies in the literature reporting different aspects of STEM into a PjBL pedagogy. However, the effect of implementing STEM PjBL in terms of improving students’ skills in self-efficacy levels in physics mechanics at high school level has not been demonstrated as expected in the previous literature. This study followed a quasi-experimental research method. Bandura’s social cognitive theory is used to assess and compare the effect of STEM PjBL with conventional teaching method on students’ self-efficacy level in learning physics among over 100 high school students. The result illustrated that STEM PjBL improve students’ self-efficacy to solve physics problem. Also, the study proposes a guideline for future research.
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