Examining the trend of research on active engagement in science education: Bibliometric analysis
Active engagement, science education, Bibliometric analysisAbstract
In the field of educational psychology, active engagement is one of the instructional approach research topics. Research indicates that various advantages occur when students are actively engaged in their learning, involving increased motivation and higher-order thinking skills. The tremendous growth in encouraging students' active engagement in science education has gained prominence and plays a vital role in determining science specialisations and future careers. Based on the benefits of active engagement in science education, numerous studies have been conducted on this issue. As such, this paper will examine and report on Scopus-indexed articles on active engagement. As of April 24th, 2021, 1174 documents have been retrieved and evaluated. This article summarises the research productivity, most active source title, distribution of publications by countries, most active institutions, most productive authors, and citation analyses using established bibliometric indicators. The results show an increased growth rate of literature on active engagement in science education from 2016 to 2020. A total of 168 authors from 90 different countries and 167 institutions have collaborated on numerous studies on active engagement in science education, which have been published in various journals.
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