Effect of subject jigsaw and reading writing presentation techniques on academic achievement of 6th grade science students’ academic success in matter and heat unit
Research Article
Reading writing presentation, reading writing application, subject jigsaw, cooperative learning , collaborative learningAbstract
In this article a recently developed method, Reading Writing and Presentation (RWP) is introduced and compared with Subject Jigsaw Method (JG) and Control Group (CG). Research was carried out with 68 6th grade elementary school students. Number of students included in RWP group was 26, in JG was 20 and in CG was 22. Research design is pre-test, post-test and semi-experimental design. Before the study all the students were given a pre-test. Pre-test results revealed that RWP group had statistically significant academic achievement than CG. After implementing the study, students were given post-test and, both RWP and JG group statistically had better achievement than CG. Students also were given a technique view form. Results revealed that RWP is a useful method in developing social and cognitive skills. It is also concluded by the study that constructivist designed curriculums supported with Cooperative Learning Methods increase academic achievement and students gain positive social skills.
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