Analysis of studies in the literature on educational robotics


  • Murat Auyelbek
  • Kalibek Ybyraimzhanov
  • Erlan Andasbayev
  • Elmira Abdykerimova
  • Asset Turkmenbayev



academic discourse, pedagogy, educational robotics, module, student training


Based on the consistent development of technologization, robotics has become widely used in many fields of activity as a tool and an educational resource. This article presents some arguments about insufficiency, as well as the importance of further academic
discourse, which can serve as a starting point for similar studies and the development of this dynamic direction. The purpose of this study is to reveal the direction of the most current studies on the educational robotics topic, published in some important databases.
In order to detect the most common concepts of educational robotics research of the literature, a thematic analysis (descriptive content analysis) is done on the key concepts of educational robotics topic. The articles analyzed in this stud were only used sources from the Web of Science, Scopus and MDPI databases. The search in the database search engine was carried out by keywords: “Educational robotics”, “Teaching educational robotics”, “Integration of robotics”, “Robotics in education" and “Education robotics”.
The data gathered from the reviewed articles are analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. In the findings obtained from the study, the keywords "integration of robotics" and "robotics in education" can be used most when searching for educational robotics. It
has been concluded that the studies on educational robotics have increased gradually since 2018. At this point, the importance of studies on educational robotics is increasing day by day.


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How to Cite

Auyelbek, M., Ybyraimzhanov, K., Andasbayev, E., Abdykerimova, E., & Turkmenbayev, A. (2022). Analysis of studies in the literature on educational robotics. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(4), 1267-1290.

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