Digital age and art of teaching online design courses, a development of effective strategies for pandemic


  • Afaq Chohan Ajman University
  • Jihad Awad Ajman University
  • Bouzid Boudiaf Ajman University
  • Adi Irfan Che Ani University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)



Pandemic-era educational challenges, virtual instruction, facilitation of learning experiences, distance learning, pedagogical strategies in digital environments


The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted traditional design education, forcing educators to adopt digital classrooms for architectural design instruction, which has led to various challenges and suboptimal student performance. This research explores effective online design teaching methods, particularly across different design modules (I-VI), using a synthesis and literature review methodology. It investigates three domains: pandemic teaching challenges, traditional design education, and suitable pandemic teaching methods. The study triangulates teaching during the pandemic, conventional techniques, and elements from content focus (CF) and support open learning (SL) methods to create a hybrid pedagogy. The proposed blended approach combines traditional design education with virtual instruction, offering guidelines for educators to structure academic activities and integrate effective online teaching strategies. The findings provide valuable insights for design instructors and educational institutions adapting to digital classrooms during the pandemic and beyond.


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How to Cite

Chohan, A., Awad, J., Boudiaf, B., & Che Ani , A. I. (2024). Digital age and art of teaching online design courses, a development of effective strategies for pandemic. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 21(2), 345-368.

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