Experiential learning: Its effects on achievement and scientific process skills
Achievement, Chemistry Laboratory, Experiential Learning, Scientific Process Skill, Student TeachersAbstract
The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of experiential learning model on student teachers’ achievement in chemistry as well as their scientific process skills. The pre and posttest research pattern with treatment and control groups was used throughout the study. While the treatment group received education through experiential learning model, the control group was taught within a traditional teacher-centered approach. The sampling consisted of 40 student teachers studying Chemistry Education at Hacettepe University. Data collections tools were the chemistry achievement test and the scientific process skill test. As the study concluded, experiential learning is an effective approach on academic achievement and scientific process skills. The applicability of experiential learning to high school chemistry curriculum out of teaching curricula rather than those at the universities can be investigated. The impact of experiential learning on other variables can be identified.
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