Developing students science literacy in Adiwiyata School: Case study in Padang City, Indonesia




science education, 21st-century skills, Adiwiyata School, Science Literacy


This research aimed to describe the development of scientific literacy of students in Indonesia at the Adiwiyata school. The design of this research was qualitative. The data were gathered through observation, an interview, and documentation. The subjects were
selected through snowball sampling. Data analysis was carried out by referring to the analytical model proposed by Miles and Huberman with the steps of reducing data, displaying data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the
development of scientific literacy in Adiwiyata schools, as described, is carried out by involving various aspects, both the use of facilities and infrastructure as learning media, the academic culture of the Adiwiyata schools being socialized, the use of open-ended questions by teachers in answering questions to stimulate students to find answers with steps scientific knowledge, as well as the determination of rewards and punishments that are carried out consistently for children who are disciplined in following and implementing the school's academic culture and vice versa. The methods used have the same goal, namely, to train students to develop basic science skills starting from investigation, hypothesis testing, to obtaining conclusions based on the data found, so that students' scientific literacy appears.


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How to Cite

Safrizal, S., Sudarmono, & Yulia, R. (2022). Developing students science literacy in Adiwiyata School: Case study in Padang City, Indonesia. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(4), 1192-1205.

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