Implementation of sustainable development goals in higher education modalities: Literature review
Courses, Higher Education, Innovation, SDGsAbstract
A systematic mapping review of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in higher education has been carried out. Forty-six articles published from 2018 to 2022 were identified using the Systematic Literature Review. The purpose of this literature review was to derive a research framework that effectively raise awareness of SDGs from the realm of higher education and show SDGs research opportunities that have not been widely implemented. Research findings in the implementation of SDGs innovation in higher education have a trend in the categories of learning, stakeholders (institutions), teaching and approach. Based on the five modalities of higher education, the category is spread over the aspects of education (79%) and knowledge production (10%). The other three aspects such as public debate, provision of public services and embodiment only have quantities below 5%. Innovations include the development of SDGs-based courses by integrating aspects of knowledge production and provision of public services into one learning goal through the Project-based Learning Model. Mapping of the implementation of the SDGs in higher education provides information that supports researchers, educators and policy-making institutions interested in educational innovation. The results of the analysis show that the integration of these aspects can not only increase the understanding of higher education graduates regarding the SDGs but also increase public awareness regarding the SDGs through the provision of public services by universities.
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