Applying the cognitive style-based learning strategy in elementary schools to ımprove students’ science process skills


  • Arif Sholahuddın
  • Leny Yuanıta
  • Z. A. Imam Supardı
  • Binar Kurnia Prahandı



Cognitive style, field dependence, field independence, learning strategy, science process skills


Science process skills play an important role in the advancement of society because they contribute to the emergence of new knowledge and technology. In this study, researchers analyzed the effectiveness of the cognitive style-based learning strategy (CSBLS) in improving elementary students’ science process skills. The CSBLS was implemented over five weeks in science classes at two elementary schools in Indonesia and evaluated using a pre-test-post-test method. The results showed that, overall, the students’ science process skills increased from “poor” to “good” level. The weakest science process skill identified in the students was the ability to conduct experiments, including stating hypotheses or operational questions to be tested, identifying and controlling variables, and making operational definitions. The study demonstrates that the CSBLS accommodates students with different levels of cognitive development and cognitive styles (e.g., field dependent and field independent) to optimally improve their science process skills, providing a significant contribution to elementary education.


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How to Cite

Sholahuddın, A. ., Yuanıta, L., Supardı, Z. A. I. ., & Prahandı, B. K. . (2020). Applying the cognitive style-based learning strategy in elementary schools to ımprove students’ science process skills. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(2), 289-301.

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