Technologies as a support resource for people with disabilities: A systematic review
Information and Communication Technology, disability, special education, intervention, quality of lifeAbstract
The increasing use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) has brought advances in interventions for people with disabilities. The aim of this study was to review the scientific literature of the last ten years regarding technologies as tools for improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. To this end, PRISMA methodology was used, performing a search in two different databases: Scopus and Web of Science (WoS), obtaining a final sample of 21 studies. To evaluate the risk of bias, the ROBIS tool was used, and the VOSviewer software was employed to carry out a keyword co-occurrence analysis. The main result to emerge was that the scientific literature is increasing, and that the most studied skills are those related to writing and reading. Most of the participants have intellectual disability or autism spectrum disorder move this sentence up. The scientific literature is still scarce; therefore, further research is necessary in this field, since the inclusion of ICT in the day-to-day, both in the teaching-learning process and in activities of daily living, offers new opportunities to people with disability.
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