The ınfluences of hybrid learning with video conference and "chemondro-game" on students' self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, and achievement toward chemistry




Chemistry on android game, hybrid learning, selfefficacy, selfregulated learning, video conference


The presence of technology is one of prominent characteristics of the 21st century learning system. This study aims to seek the influences of hybrid learning with video conference and chemistry on android game (chemondro-game) on students’ self-efficacy, selfregulated learning, and achievement toward chemistry of hydrocarbon topics. Through quasi-experiment with post-test only design, 143 eleventh grade students were selected as the research sample of the study and they were drawn from two secondary schools in Central Java, Indonesia. The sample of the study was composed of three classes based on each group's exposure to different teaching interventions. Experimental Class (EC) received hybrid learning with video conference and chemondro-game, Compared Class-1 (CC-1) was exposed to hybrid learning with video conference only, and Compared Class2 (CC-2) treated by face-to-face learning with chemondro-game only. The students’ selfefficacy, self-regulated learning, and achievement data were obtained using Scale of SelfEfficacy (SSE), Scale of Self-Regulated Learning (SSRL), and the Test on Chemistry
Hydrocarbon (TCH), respectively. In addition, an Observation Sheet on Self-Regulated Learning (OSSRL) was prepared to observe students’ activities during the learning process. MANOVA technique and descriptive statistics were performed to examine the influencesof teaching intervention on students’ self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, and achievement in this instructional model. The findings revealed that the teaching intervention has significant influences on students’ self-efficacy and self-regulated learning, however no significant influence on students’ achievement. Thus, the use of video conference and chemondro-game are strongly suggested in chemistry learning due to its potential to develop self-efficacy and self-regulated learning of the students.


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How to Cite

Fitriyana, N., Wiyarsi, A., Sugiyarto, K. H., & Ikhsan, J. (2021). The ınfluences of hybrid learning with video conference and "chemondro-game" on students’ self-efficacy, self-regulated learning, and achievement toward chemistry. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 18(2), 233-248.

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