The effect of contextual collaborative learning based ethnoscience to ıncrease student’s scientific literacy ability

Research Article




Contextual collaborative learning, ethnoscience, scientific literacy


Scientific literacy is used as the primary goal in science education because it is considered to be used to prepare today's generation. Aspects of scientific literacy consist of the concepts, processes, and attitudes of science that can be used in people's daily lives, a picture of the success of science education carried out by each country. However, this ability has not been trained optimally through the process of learning science in Indonesia. This research aims to increase students' scientific literacy ability through contextual collaboration learning based on ethnoscience. This study used a quasi-experimental research method with a pre-experimental design that involved pretest and posttest of one group. This research has been conducted in the Chemistry Education UNDIKMA Mataram for the number of research subjects as many as 31 students. The instrument used is multiple choice tests to measure the achievement the content and process of science students  while attitude scale to measure students' scientific attitudes. The results showed that the achievement of content, process, and science attitudes of students overall has increased in the medium category. This means that the effect of contextual collaborative learning based ethnoscience the capacity of scientific literacy in content, process, and attitude of students.


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Author Biography

  • Maria Erna, Universitas Riau

    Chemistry Education


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How to Cite

Citra Ayu Dewi, C., Maria Erna, Martini, Ikhfan Haris, & I Nengah Kundera. (2021). The effect of contextual collaborative learning based ethnoscience to ıncrease student’s scientific literacy ability: Research Article. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 18(3), 525-541.

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