The effect of student-centered teaching and problem-based learning on academic achievement in science
Student-centered teaching, problem-based learning, academic achievement, science teachingAbstract
The study aimed to investigate the relationships between student-centered teaching approach, problem-based learning, and academic achievement in science teaching. The quantitative quasi-experimental research approach was adopted in this study. The data of the study was collected by a structured questionnaire. The sample of the study consisted an experimental group students (N= 215) and a control group students (N=204) by cluster random sampling. The results showed a significant difference in the student-centered teaching approach, problem- based learning, and academic achievement scores for experimental and control group of students. It is found that there is a low positive correlation between student-centered teaching approach and academic achievement, although there are significant differences between the experimental and control group. The study revealed that there is a medium positive correlation between problem- based learning and academic achievement, although there are significant differences between the experimental and control group. At the same time, it is revealed that the total variance of academic achievement levels explained by the student-centered teaching approach and problem- based learning is relatively a high percentage.
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