Activity and progress of learning with two stay two stray (TS-TS) cooperative model on harmonic vibration
cooperative model, learning of progres, two stay two stray (TS-TS)Abstract
Two stay two stray cooperative model (TS-TS) has been applied to know the activity and progress of student learning outcomes in Yapis Manokwari Senior High School. The type of research used is quantitative with quasi-experimental method. Time series design research was used, in this case, the group used for research cannot be selected at random. The sampling technique used is purposive sampling. This technique selects samples with certain criteria which in this research is class X IPA as many as 12 students. The data collected were pre-test, post-test and learning activity for three lessons with harmonic vibration material. The results of pre-test and post-test data collection has tested the hypothesis using Paired Sample T-Test with , obtained = 5.920 > = 1.796, then rejected . This shows that after applied TS-TS learning model there is a significant difference in student learning outcomes before asked the model and afterwards. The N-Gain test also shows an increase of the post-test average of each learning. Students' activity on each learning has increased by 40.7%, 48.8% and 63.2%, respectively. Physics learning using TS-TS learning model can help learners to understand the physical meanings of physics and solve/analyze the problems given by the teacher and can increase learners' learning activities during the learning process.
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- 15.12.2018 (1)

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