Determination of pre-service science teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and efficacy levels about the diagnostic branched tree technique


  • Ayşe Nesibe Köklükaya Gazi University, Gazi Education Faculty, Ankara-TURKEY
  • Aysun Öztuna Kaplan Sakarya University, Education Faculty, Sakarya-TURKEY
  • Vahdettin Sevinç Sakarya University, Faculty of Engineering, Sakarya-TURKEY



Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, Alternative Measurement and Assessment Techniques, Diagnostic Branched Tree


This research is aimed at identifying self- efficacy perceptions of the pre-service science teachers on the one of the alternative measurement and assessment techniques called diagnostic branched tree. The research is carried out 66 pre-service science teachers in 2009- 2010. Perception of Competencies on the Self efficacy perceptions of pre-service teachers on Alternative Measurement and Assessment Techniques scale’s second subscale and the documents which prepared by pre-service science teachers are used for data collection. According to the result of the research, pre-service science teachers perceive themselves efficiency about preparing the diagnostic branched tree, but the documents when evaluated with control list, it is precipitated that pre-service science teachers’ proficiency about preparing diagnostic branched tree is low level.


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15.03.2014 — Updated on 15.03.2014


How to Cite

Köklükaya, A. N., Öztuna Kaplan, A., & Sevinç, V. (2014). Determination of pre-service science teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and efficacy levels about the diagnostic branched tree technique. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 11(1), 63-74.

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