Exploring a direct relationship betweenstudents’ problem-solving abilities and academic achievement: A STEM education at a coffee plantation area
Academic learning achievement, coffee plantation, problem-solving ability, STEM educationAbstract
Factors affecting the quality of education can be observed from students’ problem-solving abilities and academic learning achievements. This research aims to examine a direct relationship between students’ problem-solving abilities and academic learning achievement by using a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at a coffee plantation area in Indonesia. In analyzing data, students’ problem-solving abilities and academic learning achievements were exposed to quantitative descriptive of correlation bivariate rank Spearman. This study consisted of 148 junior-high-school students in a coffee plantation area. The results indicated that there was a positive correlation between the students’ problem-solving abilities and academic learning achievements in favor of STEM education. This means that the more problem-solving skills the students have, the better academic learning achievement they perform. These positive results recommend that the integrated STEM education, as an approach, should be included varied contexts, especially in the Asian region. Moreover, science teachers should hone students’ problem-solving skills via a mixed way, e.g., the integrated STEM education. In addition, STEM education will be helpful for students (who especially work and live in plantation areas) to understand the role of science in their everyday lives.
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