A Comparative Study of Self-Regulation Levels and Academic Performance among STEM and Non-STEM University Students Using Multivariate Analysis of Variance

Research Article





Self-regulation, Academic Performance, GPA, STEM, non-STEM, MANOVA


Based on the assumption that STEM students may exhibit higher self-regulation levels than non-STEM students, this study compared the levels of self-regulation variable across four fields of study. By employing multivariate analysis, it was found that differences in self-regulation levels among STEM and non-STEM students predict students’ GPA. STEM students reported higher self-regulation levels than non-STEM students. However, among the STEM fields, only engineering students displayed statistically significant difference in self-regulation levels when compared to non-STEM fields of study. Computer science students displayed a significantly higher GPA than law and business administration students, with engineering students displaying the second highest and statistically non-significant GPA. A regression analysis revealed that students’ self-regulation levels significantly predicted students’ GPA. The findings add value to the psychological concept as an important element in the context of learning in higher education. It was concluded that self-regulation remains an essential skill that enhances students’ effectiveness and need to be emphasized in the orientation for life in College.



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How to Cite

Bene, K., Lapina, A., Birida, A., Ekore, J. O. ., & Adan, S. . (2021). A Comparative Study of Self-Regulation Levels and Academic Performance among STEM and Non-STEM University Students Using Multivariate Analysis of Variance: Research Article. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 18(3), 320-337. https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2021.76

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