The Development and validation of an EDP-STEM module-taking heat transfer, mechanics, and buoyancy as examples
STEM Education, Engineering Design Process, Module development, ADDIE modelAbstract
This study aimed to develop a STEM module for eighth-grade middle school learners through the engineering design process. The module was developed based on the ADDIE model, primarily concentrating on the stages of analysis, design and development. The study consisted of two main phases: module development and module evaluation. During the development phase, 26 science teachers and 30 eighth-grade middle school pupils were purposefully selected from a public sector’ middle school in China. Subject themes of the EDP-STEM module were determined by data analysis using coding of responses to interview questions and questionnaires seeking to elicit perceived needs. The EDP-STEM module's learning objectives, engineering design process, and STEM knowledge were subsequently developed. In the evaluation phase, five experts and 50 ninth-grade middle school pupils were recruited to verify the reliability and validity of the EDP-STEM module. The Content Validity Index (CVI) for the EDP-STEM module was 0.92, and the Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient was 0.76. Based on their feedback and suggestions, the researcher made modifications and improvements to the EDP-STEM module. The results of the study showed that EDP-STEM module has good reliability and validity and can be used as a learning module to carry out STEM learning in eighth-grade classrooms.
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