The INNOMATTS: A model of mathematics teacher training management


  • Mohammad Asıkın Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Semarang State University, Indonesia
  • Iwan Junaedı
  • Adi Nur Cahyono Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, Semarang State University, Indonesia



INNOMATTS, mathematics teacher professional competencies, professional development model, training model


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of the INNOMATTS (Innovative Mathematics Teaching Study) Model on content knowledge and impact on pedagogical content knowledge related to the role of teacher. The research design is an adaptation of research and development research design. Data and information were obtained from Semarang Junior High School (JHS) Mathematics Teachers as trainees. Used data collection tool is questionnaire and test. The data were analyzed descriptively narrative and quantitative calculation. The results of the study and discussion are as follows: (i) In relation to the perception, only 27% of the teachers who think that the government training programs that have been followed so far there is a post-training follow-up program; 60% of the teachers found that they only participated in training if there were programs from the government; (ii) The effectiveness of the overall training model from before to after the model implementation of teacher competence has increased. the magnitude of the normalized average gain effectiveness before and after the model implementation is 0.62 (62%) in the moderate category; while the average effectiveness of the overall model characteristic is 75.35 is included in either category. Taking into account the effectiveness of the empirical model of both process and product as a whole, the overall effectiveness of pretest and posttest, as well as the results of the RPP assessment and its implementation, it can be concluded that the implementation of the model contributes to the improvement of professional competence of JHS Mathematics teachers in Semarang City.


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15.12.2018 — Updated on 15.12.2018


How to Cite

Asıkın, M. ., Junaedı, I., & Cahyono, A. N. . (2018). The INNOMATTS: A model of mathematics teacher training management. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(STEM Special Issue), 76-86.

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