Application of multiple representation levels in redox reactions among tenth grade chemistry teachers
Multiple Representation Levels, Macroscopic, Submicroscopic, Symbolic, Verbal InteractionAbstract
Utmost important is students should be able to understand chemistry concepts at multiple representation levels and integrate between these levels. However, previous research showed that students face difficulty in this aspect. Thus, this study embarked into investigating how chemistry teachers apply these multiple representation levels in teaching redox reactions through verbal interaction. Ten chemistry secondary school teachers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia were involved in this study. Data were collected using observation and semi-structured interview. Analysis of data was done quantitatively to determine the percentages of verbal interaction at multiple representation levels. Data were also analyzed qualitatively to determine the pattern of application of multiple representation levels. Findings showed that teachers emphasized more on macroscopic level compared to submicroscopic and symbolic levels. It was found that students’ statement on multiple representation levels dominates interaction that occurred during chemistry lessons observed. Furthermore, there were three types of patterns of integration between multiple representation levels illustrated by chemistry teachers. Eighty percent of the respondents showed incomplete integration between these multiple representation levels. In conclusion, chemistry teachers should be aware and understand the application of these multiple representation levels in order to produce chemically literate students.
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