Argumentatıon Based  ınquıry applıcatıons:  Small group dıscussıons of students wıth dıfferent levels of  success


  • Esra Kabataş Memiş
  • Ebru Ezberci Çevik



Argumentation, Argumentation based inquiry, Small group discussion


The aim of this study is to investigate experiences of groups with different success levels during small group discussions in argumentation applications. In the study, case study was based as one of qualitative research patterns. In this line, a success test including mechanical subjects comprising multiple-choice and open-ended questions was applied to students by researches in the beginning of semester. Looking at points taken from the success test, student levels (high, medium and low) were determined and groups were formed in accordance with these levels. Argumentation based inquiry was carried out in “force and effect” subject. Study group consisted of 10 preservice teachers having education in Department of Science Teaching. Voice records of every group were taken during student discussions and analyzed by transcription. Codes prepared by the researches were combined under certain categories and entitled. Results show that students with all success levels were physically and mentally active, the argumentation process was effective and the process contributed to students in terms of reasoning, thinking like a scientist and understanding the scientific process in during small group discussions. Moreover, when student-student questions were examined, there were more questions in high level group than others group.


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15.03.2018 — Updated on 15.03.2018


How to Cite

Kabataş Memiş, E. ., & Ezberci Çevik, E. . (2018). Argumentatıon Based  ınquıry applıcatıons:  Small group dıscussıons of students wıth dıfferent levels of  success. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(1), 25-42.

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