The Effect of Teacher Generated Concept Maps on the Learning of Linear Motion Concepts in Elementary Physics
Concept Maps, Physics Concepts, Secondary EducationAbstract
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of using teacher generated concept maps on the learning of linear motion concepts in physics. The study used a pre and post-test quasi-experimental design method with a control group. The experimental group (n= 28) was taught physics with the aids of concept maps that were generated by the teacher while the control group (n= 29) was taught using the conventional method without concept maps. The results show that students using concept maps are more active in class and obtain a statistically significantly higher gain scores on the physics test ( x =17.3) compared to the non-concept mapping group ( x =12.9) with p < 0.05. It is concluded that teacher generated concept maps is an effective teaching and learning tool for promoting concept learning of linear motion in physics.