Bridging the gap in technology integration in education: An examination of science teachers' competencies and needs
technology and education, technology integration, TPACKAbstract
This study investigates science teachers' perceptions of their level of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) and the challenges they face in integrating technology into the classroom. Using a case study approach, data were collected through the TPACK scale and semi-structured interviews with 102 science teachers. The results reveal significant deficiencies in teachers' design and proficiency dimensions of TPACK, which impact on their ability to integrate technology effectively. While basic technologies such as smart boards and presentation software are commonly used, the lack of advanced integration is attributed to insufficient infrastructure, inadequate training and limited discipline-specific materials. In addition, dissatisfaction with professional development programs and low levels of technological literacy among students further hinder technology integration. The findings emphasize the need for tailored, practical training programs and improved infrastructure to address these challenges. It also highlights the importance of incorporating student-centered, technology-enhanced learning strategies to promote effective teaching practices. Curriculum revisions, collaborative training programs, and further research into the pedagogical impact of technology integration are recommended.
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