The ımpact of covid-19 to biology teacher education: Emergency distance learning at ıslamic universities in Indonesia
COVID-19, biology teacher education, distance learning, e-learning, learning and teaching experienceAbstract
In response to the Indonesian government's policy forcing a rapid transition to distance learning, the college developed an emergency e-learning plan to ensure learning continues. Generally, this paper aims to highlight the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Islamic universities in Indonesia, especially biology teacher education. This paper also describes lecturers' experiences in developing approaches different from those proposed by the institute. We used mixed methods to dig deeper into online teaching transition and its problems. Data was collected through a questionnaire on faculties and students studying at the biology education department of Islamic state universities in Sumatera, Java, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Faculties and students expressed their attitudes, beliefs, and evaluations. The developed emergency e-learning cannot be used optimally due to potential factors, such as information and communication technologies (ICT) tools and technological pedagogical knowledge. Faculties improvised online teaching using other platforms such as WAG and e-mail, which are guaranteed easy access by students. In this way, they maintained social contact with students and ensured students to keep continuing to build literacy skills. Faculties also created content in the form of demonstration videos for practicum, which being uploaded on YouTube. Unless using the virtual laboratory is still a big problem.
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