An exploration into direct nature experiences (DNE) and biodiversity knowledge amongst ısland children

Research Article




Biodiversity conservation, Biodiversity knowledge, Children, Direct nature experiences, Island environments


Children worldwide are increasingly deprived of direct nature experiences (DNE). Often rooted in restrictions of urbanization and modernization, this loss may hamper biodiversity conservation through erosion of biodiversity knowledge. Yet, the extent of this phenomenon in small cities, particularly in rapidly developing islands, remains understudied. This study aimed to compare the frequencies of DNEs based on islands and evaluate the influences of different islands and frequency of direct nature experiences on biodiversity knowledge among children. The sample consisted of 429, 1112-year-old public-school children from seven islands. Findings of this online survey questionnaire show that the frequency of visiting nature places and contact with animals was not significantly different, but the frequency of contact with plants as well as the overall frequency of experiences was significantly different among the islands. Children have a low level of biodiversity knowledge but are better at identifying animals than plants. Biodiversity knowledge scores were not significantly different among islands. Hence, island environments have a significant effect on DNE frequency but not on biodiversity knowledge. Increased frequency of nature experiences has a significant positive effect on biodiversity knowledge. This effect is more evident when the frequency is more than once a month. The study suggests that the frequency of DNEs is more influential in determining children’s biodiversity knowledge than their place of residence. Hence, meaningful nature experiences must be facilitated to promote biodiversity knowledge. 


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How to Cite

Abdullah, F., Ishak , N. A. ., & Ahmad, M. Z. . (2022). An exploration into direct nature experiences (DNE) and biodiversity knowledge amongst ısland children: Research Article. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 19(2), 660-683.

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