The effect of the computer-based analogy used in science teaching on learning outcomes


  • Harun Çelik
  • Talip Kırındı
  • Yasemin Ayçiçek Kotaman



Science education, analogy method, computer-based teaching, the structure and properties of matter


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of computer-based analogy (CBA) used in science teaching in terms of the unit of Structure and Properties of Matter on seventh-grade students’ academic success. The attitudes of students against science teaching lesson were also described in this study. This study was applied to 60 seventh-grade students from two different classes of the same teacher from a public school in Köprübaşı/Trabzon. In the study, pre-test – post-test control group quasi-experimental research model was used. The remarks of the students were described by content analysis within the context of qualitative research method. During the research period, computer-based analogy method was
applied to the experimental group; on the other hand, traditional teaching method was applied to the control group. In the study, quantitative data as data collection tool was collected through academic success test prepared by the researcher. On the other hand, qualitative data was collected through an interview form, including open-ended questions formed by consulting experts. The results of the study show that the computer-based analogy method is more effective than the present program applications in terms of students’ academic success in science lessons and permanence of knowledge. The results of the qualitative data analysis show that the students had positive views related to the lesson made by the computer-based analogy method. 


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How to Cite

Çelik, H. ., Kırındı, T. ., & Ayçiçek Kotaman, Y. . (2020). The effect of the computer-based analogy used in science teaching on learning outcomes. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 17(1), 73-93.

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