Identifying students’ misconceptions of acid-base concepts using a three-tier diagnostic test: A case of ındonesia and thailand


  • Febriati Dian Mubarokah Depertment of Chemistry Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Sri Mulyanı Depertment of Chemistry Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
  • Nurma Yunita Indrıyantı Depertment of Chemistry Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia



acids and bases, chemistry education, misconceptions, three-tier diagnostic test


Through a descriptive exploratory research design, the current study purposed to diagnose students’ misconceptions of acid-base concepts. A Three-Tier Diagnostic Test (TTDT) with 20 items was administered to 72 Thai and 64 Indonesian grade 12 students in the science program. The semi-structured interview was used to probe their responses to the interview questions. Then, their misconceptions were classified under four categories. The result indicated that the Thai and Indonesian students’ misconceptions were similar to each other. Most of the students had misconceptions of such concepts as acid-base theories, the strength of acids and bases, pH concept in electrolyte and non-electrolyte characteristics of acids and bases. The results shed more light on students’ conceptual understanding. Students should be encouraged to overcome their misconceptions and change them scientific conceptions.


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15.12.2018 — Updated on 15.12.2018


How to Cite

Mubarokah, F. D. ., Mulyanı, S. ., & Indrıyantı, N. Y. . (2018). Identifying students’ misconceptions of acid-base concepts using a three-tier diagnostic test: A case of ındonesia and thailand. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 15(STEM Special Issue), 51-58.

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