A new perspective on STEM education: The possible contributions of architectural education


  • Cem Özkan Bursa Uludağ Ünverstesi
  • Salih Çepni
  • Nazerke Maratkyzy
  • Tülin Vural Arslan
  • Selen Durak




STEM education, design studio, architectural education, culture of criticism, open-ended problems


Considering the structural similarities between STEM education and architectural education, it is thought that architectural education, which has a deep-rooted history, may be useful for improving STEM education. This research was planned to gain useful inferences for STEM education by trying to get to know architectural education.  In this study, ethnographic field research method was used. During the four-week observations, students made presentations with projects, models and plan drawings. In this process, teachers' criticisms and students' defenses were analyzed through the data table. By discussing the identified elements of architectural education, at least six innovations and/or meaningful results were revealed in the context of STEM education. These are: i-Students should be given the opportunity to solve open-ended problems on their own and should be encouraged to learn through trial and error in this process. ii-Students should be highly motivated when dealing with open-ended problems, for example, STEM project courses should be turned into graduation qualifications. iii-The importance of real-life context in STEM education should be emphasized and problems should be a part of life; In this context, sustainability and economic value dimensions should be highlighted. iv- At secondary and primary school levels, children should be encouraged to learn by experiencing and manipulating materials in the context of problems. v- Courses that will improve technical drawing skills should be added to STEM education programs. vi- In STEM disciplines, teachers should ensure theory/practice balance at the undergraduate level, and evaluations in applied projects should be made by a jury system.


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How to Cite

Özkan, C., Çepni, S., Maratkyzy, N. ., Vural Arslan, T., & Durak, S. (2024). A new perspective on STEM education: The possible contributions of architectural education. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 21(3), 599-619. https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2024.032

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