Local and indigenous knowledge (LIK) in science learning: A systematic literature review





Local, indigineous knowldege, science education


This research aimed to analyse the literature regarding Local and Indigenous Knowledge (LIK) in science teaching and learning. This research uses a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) to identify articles focusing on studies regarding LIK in science education. This research explores 52 articles from Scopus and Web of Science published between 2014 and 2023 from various countries. The SLR results show that the number of publications increased yearly. LIK is a recognised research topic in various countries, such as Indonesia, the United States, Canada, Australia, and African countries. The SLR results also show types of LIK consisting of daily lifestyle behaviour, system development in society, and knowledge and practice of investigation by the community. These types related to issues in science issue of climate, ecology, medicinal plants, and astronomy. These issues are studied from the perspective of indigenous knowledge, which is harmonised with modern scientific knowledge. LIK implementation strategies in science learning include community-based and place-based education learning development strategies. Implementation of different strategies is the development of a formal curriculum that accommodates LIK, such as Cross-Curriculum Cultural Priorities, Integration of medicinal plants as important content in K-12 curriculum subjects in the USA, Development of chemistry and physics practicums based on knowledge of indigenous communities and culture, and curriculum development in Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK).


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How to Cite

Latip, A., Hernani, & Kadarohman, A. (2024). Local and indigenous knowledge (LIK) in science learning: A systematic literature review. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 21(4), 651-667. https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2024.035

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