Context-based teaching experiences of chemistry teachers: Expectations, gains and applicability conditions
Context-based teaching, context-based teaching activities, chemistry teachersAbstract
This research aimed to investigate the expectations and gains of teachers who designed and used context-based teaching materials in their classes and to reveal their views on the applicability of this teaching approach. The methodology of this research was the case study. The research was carried out with two chemistry teachers who participated in the In-Service Training Course on Context-Based Chemistry Teaching performed by the researcher. Data collection tools used in the research were semi-structured interviews, field notes and evaluation reports. As a result, it was concluded that teachers believed that context-based instruction increased students' motivation, achievement and participation in the lesson. Also, both teachers stated that their competencies in contextbased teaching had improved after practising it. However, it was revealed that teachers thought that in order to use context-based teaching, learning environments should be arranged in accordance with the approach and universities and Turkish Ministry of National Education should work in cooperation.
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