Assessing energy literacy of Iranian ninth-grade students
Research Article
Energy literacy, ninth-grade students, science educationAbstract
The extent to which people understand the role of energy in everyday life is called energy literacy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the levels of energy literacy among 393 Iranian 9th-grade students using the ‘Energy Literacy Questionnaire’(ELQ) and study the effective factors on their energy literacy. The Mann-Whitney U test, Spearman product-moment correlation, and Z test were used to analyze the data. The results showed that the level of energy knowledge of students is discouragingly low, but students were aware of energy-saving behaviors and they had relatively good attitudes and values about the energy issues. Gender, school location, and the level of parent’s education were effective factors in the level of energy literacy of students. Male students were better than female students in the behavior part and rural students had more positive attitudes and values than urban students. Parents' education level was an effective factor in students’
level of knowledge in energy.
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