CoMCoRe-LS: An instructional design to enhance pedagogical content knowledge of pre-service physics teachers
Pedagogical content knowledge, concept mapping, content representation, lesson studyAbstract
This study aims to develop, implement, and evaluate an instructional design model to enhance the pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of physics student teachers. Model development is accomplished in five stages over two years: 1) problem identification, 2) preliminary identification of the product and design concepts, 3) preliminary theories and products, 4) prototypes and assessments of early products and theories, and 5) final product and theory quality improvement. This study included three sets of participants: four professional teachers, four science education experts, and 54 physics student teachers. Following validation, revision, and implementation, it was determined that the concept Mapping Content Representation—Lesson Study (CoMCoRe-LS) model was
beneficial in enhancing pre-service teachers’ PCK. This study demonstrates an increase in student teachers' capacity to plan and implement courses, regardless of whether they have a strong or weak conceptual understanding. This model may serve as an alternative for assisting pre-service teachers in building PCK while enrolled in courses that combine classroom lectures and internships in schools.
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