Attitude towards science learning: An exploration of pakistani students


  • Zubair Ahmad Shah Education Department, Punjab-PAKISTAN
  • Nasir Mahmood Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore–PAKISTAN
  • Christine Harrison Senior Lecturer in Science Education, King's College, London-ENGLAND



Attitude towards Science Learning, Parental Education and Profession, Urban and Rural Students, Private Tuition


Attitude towards science has been a focus of study for many educational researchers and it ultimately helps to explore the aspects that can be intervened to enhance the students’ attitude towards science because a relationship has been reported between students’ attitude and science achievement. The variation in results reported by studies regarding attitude towards science and science learning reflect that the demographic variables might have influential effect on attitudes towards science and science learning. The purpose of this study was to explore the Pakistani students’ attitude towards science learning. A scale regarding attitude towards science learning (AtSL) with Cronbach’s alpha 0.86 was administered to 1233 students of 37 government schools of three districts. The results of this study reflect that attitude towards science learning increases with increase in grade of the students; and female students had higher attitude towards science learning than male students. Paternal education, occupation and students’ locality seems to causes no significant difference in attitudes towards science learning of students whereas maternal education and occupation cause significant difference in attitudes towards learning of science.


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How to Cite

Shah, Z. A. ., Mahmood, N. ., & Harrison, C. (2024). Attitude towards science learning: An exploration of pakistani students. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 10(2), 35-47.

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