Effect of robotics technology in science education on scientific creativity and attitude development


  • Ayşe Koç Dr., Ministry of National Education, Kayseri
  • Uğur Büyük




Robotics technology, science education, scientific creativity, scientific attitude


In this research, the effect of experimental applications by using robotics technology in Science and Technology course the “Force and Motion” unit on the level of scientific creativity and scientific attitude of students was investigated. This research was designed according to the quasi-experimental method pre-test post-test design with a control group. In the research that was carried out with the 7th grade students (N=40) studying at a secondary school in Kayseri Province, Turkey. “Scientific Creativity Test” and “Scientific Attitude Scale” were used as data collection tools. At the end of implementation which lasted eight weeks, the quantitative data obtained were evaluated at 0.05 meaningfulness level through SPSS package software. “Mann Whitney U-Test” and “Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test” were applied as analysis techniques. As a result of the research, while a meaningful difference was found between scientific creativity and scientific attitude pre-test post-test points of the students in the experimental group which robotics technology was used, no difference was found in the control group. Thus, it was found out that robotics developed scientific creativity and scientific attitude level of the students who joined the research by affecting it positively. Therefore, it is recommended that robotics-assisted science laboratory activities should also be planned and implemented in different classes, units or subjects to provide a science teaching with a better quality that supports and improves scientific creativity and scientific attitudes of students.


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How to Cite

Koç, A. ., & Büyük, U. . (2021). Effect of robotics technology in science education on scientific creativity and attitude development. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 18(1), 54-72. https://doi.org/10.36681/tused.2021.52

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