Conceptions of assessment: Perceptions of science teachers in Jordan
Research Article
Teachers, Science subject teachers, teachers perceptions, conceptions of asesmentAbstract
The present study aimed to examine the perceptions of Jordanian science subject teachers in their conceptions of assessment, and how these perceptions were affected by teacher gender, length of experience, and subject variables. The teacher conception of assessment instrument was completed by 488 teachers. Results showed a high mean of teacher perceptions of assessment as being irrelevant, followed by assessment improves education, student accountability, and school accountability. The results also showed significant differences in the teacher perception of assessment in school accountability according to teacher gender, the female teachers' mean score being higher than that of the males. There were significant differences in the teacher perception of assessment in' assessment improves education' according to the teacher gender variable where the mean score for female teachers was higher than for male teachers. The results showed no significant differences in the teacher perception of assessment in school accountability, student accountability, assessment improves education, and assessment is irrelevant, according to the teaching experience variable. Finally, results showed significant differences in perceptions of assessment in student accountability according to subject, the mean score for physics teachers being higher than that for the chemistry and biology teachers. There were significant differences in perceptions of assessment in' assessment improves education' and 'assessment is irrelevant', according to the subject, the mean score for mathematics teachers was higher than that of the chemistry, biology, and physics teachers
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